Environment is nothing but just the surroundings around a particular place. We can divide the environment into Land environment, Water environment, Air environment, Biological environment, Forest environment and many more.

Environment and the surrounding is the major natural part we are feeling in our life span. The increasing environmental and surroundings issues make the people thing about the need of preserving nature.

The environment can be broadly classified into Natural environment and manmade environment. The Natural environment includes forests, oceans and other natural areas. The manmade environment is anything that is created by man artificially – example zoo, natural park and theme parks.

Land Environment:


Land environment contains the living and non living organisms. Lot of natural resources available in land environment. Mostly humans use the land resources more than other organisms. Many rare things also available in land environment. In growth of people population , land resource level is reduced rapidly. Every year land is polluted by humans more than previous year. today we are facing lot of problems. We must save the land environment, otherwise future generation will affected severely more than today’s generation.

Water Environment:


Water environment contains lot of invisible and rare contents. Water environment is the one most wanted environment in humans life,because without water no person/animal lives. Every day humans polluting more water ,because no proper water management in the land. So we need the proper water management system. “Save water” is the one of most necessary thing in today’s world.

Air Environment:


The air environment is nothing but the air around us. Air is also polluted by means of industries, vehicles and also domestic smoke that come from the houses. The major cause of air pollution is the vehicle smoke. Government should take very strict steps to monitor the vehicles. Though the vehicles are monitored now still problem is existing which makes that we are not serious about the issues that are caused by the problem. Air pollution are serious and fastly growing problem in the metropolitan cities and the government should still more steps to prevent air pollution. Air pollution also causes health problems too and hence it should be prevented.